Thursday, May 2

A list will help

  1. Lists targeted towards 20somethings (including 20 things You Need to Accomplish) alternately make me cringe with serious guilt or make me rethink my life choices (such as they are). I would like to confess, also, that hours on TC led me to passable articles I will doubtless need to reread in the future. Starting with this one about healthy relationships.
  2. I spent my last twenty four hours trying to formulate a plot for my next story and thinking of ways to get another job (because much as I love working from home and having enough time for my MFA, I need to fess up: I need a job that will get me out of my parents' house). To that end, I've decided to apply for a teaching position at a local chapter of an international college with a course proposal (why do I feel like writing this down will help me get to grips with the reality of applying for a job). I also want to apply at my alma mater but I've already spoken with Sir Mark who said that they want to prioritize their tenured faculty.
  3. Teaching at a college in BGC will mean I have to face commuter death every week or I will need to move out of our home. Either way, the decision is scary. I should probably also think of applying to other, smaller schools. I want to pass an application to Ateneo but I'm too chickenshit. 
  4. I (have always felt that I) had been relegated to some strange middle-ground. This island contains everything I've ever done and all the hard work I have ever imagined, everything I have ever hoped to accomplish. I feel like I've been banished or sentenced to a life with a glass ceiling. Whoever comes across this in the future may well skip to the fifth item:
  5. I hate having to "pray" for opportunities because it feels like without divine intervention--that is, from my own hard work and dedication and craft and talent--I have no hope of success.

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